Thursday, August 19, 2010

the aids scare

of course i'm scared.  im a person who thinks that sex can be seen and done in an objective, non-romantic way.  many agree - sex without emotions is exercise.  to others, it's even a sport, from the hunt to the "good bye, take care and god bless" after.  and i've always (alwaaays) played it safe.  that's why i'm still alive and disease free.  but to hear rumors about an ex-playmate having hiv (whether confirmed or not) scares me.  i did my test, i'm clear, but it still scares the hell out of me.

last week, i got sick with fever going up and down, from 36.4c to 39.7c.  the doctor first suspected that it was dengue but he wont be able to confirm until i get my blood test.  so i did.  i was secretly afraid of my white blood cells going down (i've become paranoid of hiv) but got the sweetes surprise of that day - they were way beyond normal - ergo, the doctor said, it was bacterial infection.  hallelujah. 

a friend just warned on his facebook status of the increasing number of patients testing to be positive in their clinic (the same clinic that cleared me).  and it scared me again, just the thought of it.  but i remember this movie where a character said to another "you're scared because you're intelligent."  i think it pertains to the acceptance of the uncertainty that leads to preparation.  so, i think i should always be scared.  it's better that way.     

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

the wrong first entry for the wrong blog. or not?

this should be the pseudo intellectual anonymous blog and ergo the first entry should have been more analytical.  or at least anything that shows mental capacity for good discourse. and the evuhl naughty entries should have been in a third blog dedicated to my naughty-ness, possibly with videos, why not.  however, why not mix the two?  this is still anonymous anyway.  ergo, the first entry remains.

losing libido

losing libido in this age, im 28, is equally terrifying as it is calming.  have i done all the sexual acts there is to be done with the hottest guys in town?  i think not.  i'm still HIV negative, which is good and should stay like that forever.  but points to either my very good observance of safe sexual practice or the lack of a fantastic sexual life.  i heard RITM, the center for HIV-AIDS patient is a heaven of heavenly boys.  anyway, if only it were not for the death scare that AIDS brings, and my lack of personal time, i'd be one of the many busy sluts slutting it through the city.  however, my dick sees fabric too much than it should.  if only i can fuck my office desk, or to be more politically correct as my desk might protest, if only i can be fucked by my office desk (which part? maybe the corner), i'd be the happiest.  that's like sex everyday, every minute.  but, the truly good side to losing libido (am i really losing libido or i just dont have time? i still jack off almost everyday), is that i stay away from the scare.  i know nothing touches my blood stream.  anyway, i should go back to work.  work!